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Eligible Project Costs

SDTC funds, on average 33% (up to 40%) of eligible project costs for any given project.

Eligible project costs include:

  • Salaries and benefits, including administrative labour related to the Eligible Project
  • Professional and administrative fees related to obtaining and maintaining an Intellectual Property Right and drafting an Intellectual Property Strategy. 
  • Field testing services
  • Feasibility studies related to the Eligible Project
  • Licence fees and permits
  • Supplies and equipment, including the costs to purchase, rent, fabricate and install supplies and equipment
  • Purchase, installation, repair, upgrade, testing and commissioning of equipment, materials and products, including diagnostic and testing tools and instruments
  • Furniture (pro-rated amount as applicable)
  • Laboratory and field supplies and materials
  • Reasonable travel and conference expenses related to the Eligible Project
  • Printing and production services
  • Shipping costs, including customs costs
  • Utilities, waste removal, consumables (i.e. items used up completely during the project such as motor oil, lubricants, transmission fluids)
  • Data collection services, including processing, analysis and management
  • Communication and distribution costs
  • Translation costs
  • Capital items specifically required for the delivery of the Eligible Project, including the lease of land or license to use land, data collection equipment, prototypes, pilot plants or demonstration facilities, provided that they have no residual value beyond the Period of Funding, as determined by Recognized Accounting Standards.
  • The depreciation expense of capital items during the Period of Funding (i.e. cost of utilization) that have residual value as determined by Recognized Accounting Standards.

Eligible project costs do not include:

  • General overhead costs of the Eligible Recipient, including operating costs related to general maintenance and repairs
  • Costs to decommission a Funded Project
  • Capital costs associated with ongoing scientific or technical activities of the Eligible Recipient
  • Fees and expenses incurred in relation to lobbying or government relation activities
  • Contingency fees
  • Legal, financing fees and costs
  • Costs associated with the subsequent diffusion of the technology

Need more information? Email or call us at (343) 804-0691.